shattered telescope.

What does leading a God-centered life mean? It means to focus and put our eyes upon Him, first of all. Our relationship with God, in so many ways is like a shattered telescope.
Have you seen these telescopes? The humongous ones in observatories? This "reflection telescope" works by reflecting light through mirrors and magnifying the images in the distance. When we look to God, I feel like we're looking through one of these telescopes to the stars. And as someone told me recently, our greatest ambition is like the Sun - during the day it shields all the other stars, representing our goals and ambitions, so that we can't see them. Is God my Sun?
I think more often than not, our telescopes are cracked or broken somehow. The mirrors inside are tilted at the wrong angle, and instead of seeing the sky, we see ourselves reflected in the mirror. Our lives our self-centered, our visions are seen through shattered telescopes.
It's Jesus who came and brought us the tools to fix the telescope. It's the Spirit that uses these tools to fix the telescope.