the change inside of me
"Consider your own life for just a moment. Where would you be today if He hadn't ransomed you, if He hadn't liberated you? I'll tell you where. You would be self-sufficient, seeking to cultivate self-confidence for the purpose of self-glorification.But what has happened to you? If you've been genuinely converted, you've been forgiven and transformed. And though for now there remains in you a temptation and tendency to sin, a fundamental and radical change has occurred so that you have the desire to serve others and to see God glorified. We know the inner call to lay down our lives for one another because He laid down His life for us.
What a powerful death! The cross ransoms, the cross liberates, the cross transforms! So make it your aim and lifelong habit, when you see someone who's serving, to be reminded of the sacrifice of the Savior, for apart from His sacrifice there is no serving. True greatness is attained only by emulating the Savior's example - and made possible only by the Savior's sacrifice."
- p. 58, Humility by C. J. Mahaney
I look back and seldom remember God's grace in bringing me where I am today, taking me faithfully from day one to day two thousand, one hundred and eighty-six. But God's been so faithful. It's not about how hard you try, it's about who you know.
I really like this song below... and they say it's about their wives, but since I'm not married, I can just sing it to God. :)