A thought I had:We bounce one-dimensionally between point A and point B.
Point A is a place where we find self-sufficient confidence in what we can do and where we can go.
Point B is a place where we have absolutely no confidence in ourselves or anything else for that matter.
But when you add a second dimension of confidence in Christ, things change.
Hope is found in places where there was no hope. Where you could do nothing, Christ made a way.
And where you could find no confidence or hope or assurance that you knew God, Jesus said you do - because he holds the keys to heaven and hell and all authority on heaven and earth belongs to him.
I cringe usually, when someone says, "I know God exists; I know He is faithful." Because I say - well how do you know for sure? You really don't.
But the truth is, you really can. Reading Psalm 18, David concludes by saying:
He gives his king great victories; he shows his unfailing love to his anointed, to David and his descendants forever.And I am tempted to ask, David, how do you know that, oh murderer of Uriah and sinful wreck? How do you know God will give you a victory and show His love to you forever?
David's at point C. He's confident in Christ. He is a man after God's own heart, after all, because He places His confidence in God and who God is in His promises. It is not that David knows for sure that he will be safe and well off, it is that he knows for sure that God loves him and is faithful.
So while we're bouncing between the A and the B, one day we need to find the C. We're living in a sea of blacks and grays when the white is somewhere completely different.
I am confident I am going to heaven. Not because I have lived a good life, not because I have the best faith, not because I always live for God, not because of any intellectual hope or argument or proof I hold to. I simply am confident because Jesus died for me and that was enough. And because God is the one who loves me and gives me a new heart and turns me to live for Him. That is confidence of the best kind.