the spirit and the Word

I visited a session at a missions conference last night with a few people from our church to serve and help out a little bit. I think I love getting out and seeing and worshiping with different kinds of people. It's definitely refreshing once in a while.

The speaker spoke on the topic "What is the Gospel?" and his main points were:

  1. The gospel isn't what we do, it is what God has done in Christ.
  2. The gospel is not what we say but what God has said.
  3. It is not what we have said or done on God's behalf, but what He has said and done on our behalf.
And I came away with it with two things to focus on. The Word, and the Spirit. Neither are dependent on my deeds nor my counsel. They are firm, unshakable and solid. One of the guys in my LIFE group told me that in the end it doesn't even matter what I say. It took me a couple days to process that thought but that's totally true.

If I am worth hearing, it is because I speak with the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).

It is the Spirit that works. "Till the Spirit is poured on us from on high." (Isaiah 32:15). Everything is a wasteland until then.

It is the Word that is the double-edged sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12). I had to look up what a double-edged sword was and the best definition I saw was, "what penetrates at every point of contact, coming in or going out." I'll take that for a weapon.