even if
I decided to change the name of this blog. As a reminder of the truth that God is teaching me, that to ascribe worth to God (i.e. to worship), is to say, "even if." I don't want to be all pretentious and out there by having some fancy name for my blog, but I'm hoping it serves as a reminder that true worship is unshaken by circumstance.I've been learning what it means to be a "worship leader," but the greatest training hasn't come from becoming a better musician or knowing what to do or say at the right moments. The greatest lesson came when I saw someone lose what was most precious to them, and yet they still fought on and believed God was worthy. Without having played a note of music, they led me in worship.
Should I ever be abandoned
Should I ever be acclaimed
Should I ever be surrounded by the fire and the flame
There's a name I will remember
There's a name I will proclaim
Let it be, let it be Jesus