"When the well is dry, we know the worth of water."- Ben Franklin, as found on my Camelbak bottle.
Playing soccer on Sunday, my throat was parched... and afterwards I went over with a couple guys to get Gatorade. I downed it in four gulps, and I wanted more.
I am about to file suit with regards to Gatorade's claim as a "thirst quencher." It stimulates it more than it quenches.
The Gospel should be the same way. The so-called "good news" as it is, we look up to it as a tool for satisfaction - and feel as if once we've fully understood it (as we so wrongfully think of ourselves much of the time), we have nothing else to search for. But the Gospel is always much more than we make of it. It's as if we've drunk a bottle of Gatorade and peer into the bottle hoping to lick away the last droplets, when all the while there's a stockroom full of G right under our noses. Like Gatorade, the good news should always make you thirstier - it gives you a taste of coolness, but there is always more to yearn for.
There is always opportunity to share the Gospel. Know your identity as a Christ-follower, then love God and your neighbor, and you know that great things will happen. I take it all for granted - love, life, salvation... when there are people who have had none of these in their lifetime - and if only they had their first taste for it, they would have a burning desire for more and more. I have heard the message; I have had a taste. But I am satisfied. I don't want to be anymore.