
"I'm so secure, You're here with me
You stay the same, Your love remains here in my heart..."
"In Your Hands," Hillsong

I change like the tides. Or like people who can't decide what to wear the morning of their big-something-day.

I need to look a certain way to people. Image always seems to be an issue with teenage girls, with all those psychological as well as physical diseases that perpetuate an uneasiness within their hearts. I'm learning that it's a much deeper issue that affects everyone - people can all define us differently and talk about us behind our backs, and it's exactly our fear of this that causes us to act a certain way. Or change to act a certain way.

I need to mellow out and know that Christ doesn't change, that I'm secure because he's here with me. There's nothing more to it. There's nothing profound about life that can't be summarized in one word. Really. And whether that word is Christ or love or grace or security or God or life or whatever else you want to call it, the unspoken truth is that deep down inside we all want to please people before anything else. True freedom is knowing that it doesn't matter, that we don't need to change because our experiences and attitudes have been made a certain way because God made it that way. Not to say we shouldn't strive for change, but we shouldn't be inconsistent in our actions. Lessons for life from an older brother.