the apple cult

Last night, I was having a talk with my accountability partner, and we were just discussing how much college students love Apple products. Except the raging dissenters, who... ragingly dissent to many, many other things also.

An article from August 2010 said that 70% of college freshmen entered college with Macs.

(By the way, I would like to clear up a bit of a misconception. For some reason, everyone thinks that "techies" prefer PCs to Macs, but whatever "techies" means, our professor pointed out yesterday that Mac users are the majority in our Computer Science classes...)

We call Apple followers a "cult," but it really, really genuinely is a cult. We worship the sleek, minimalist products they churn out. We know better when the next edition of the iPhone is coming out than where the last natural disaster to kill more than a million people happened. Such is the sheltered college lifestyle of people like me.

I used to think it absurd that the Israelites turned away from God and worshiped golden calves, but... we're honestly not too far off.

Of course, all this doesn't change any of the fact that I want a Mac. I want one. But it's sad. I'm just praying that by God's grace I'll learn to love Him and love people more than I love gadgets.

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