day 2 and day 3

forgot yesterday:

day 2
a favorite song from the 90's:

As Long As You Love Me - Backstreet Boys.


Dude I thought the Backstreet Boys were cool. And I don't think I had much exposure to pop culture, being in Korea and being a small nerdy kid who liked to play video games and soccer. That was life; music wasn't even on the radar. My sister picked up a Backstreet Boys album, and I thought my sister was cool. So then I went and illegally downloaded a lot of Backstreet Boys songs and sang along to them in the car. I didn't like talking about it with my friends, though, even if I didn't have much of a concept of "coolness".

day 3
A log of my day:

7:30 am - Woke up and went to our leaders' meeting at church. We meet on Saturday mornings usually just to pray, plan
12:00 pm - Spent some time with my co-LIFE group leaders planning out our future gatherings. Had some healthy and delicious food, kudos to Katie.
3:30 pm - Hung out with Stephen, grabbed a gingerbread latte from Starbucks then played some pool and talked about life.
5:00 pm - Went to an Angell Auditorium and worked through my e-mails and read peoples' blogposts, listened to half a sermon and started a little work on a project that's due on Wednesday - final project for EECS 497 which we super procrastinated on.. AHHH.
7:00 pm - Went to the Good News (Christian a capella group) concert to see and support a friend, had a great time listening to some good music :). though i was indeed a little drowsy...
9:00 pm - Someone just got engaged so went to go say hi and congratulate them. Walked out and grabbed a gyro from Rendezvous Cafe and now...
9:30 pm onward.. - sitting in East Hall, talking with some people on GChat about life, read a couple chapters of the Word because I was feeling pretty empty and I needed it. Feel a little overwhelmed with the hecticness of life and how everything is happening at once and how I need to wake up tomorrow morning.. I think I need to stop and breathe. Sent out an e-mail to everyone I know to help raise funding for our startup venture (, and you can help here: (yes, I know it requires a FB login but hoping y'all have the self-control to jump in and out. and if not, then don't do it - not worth it).

1 comment:

  1. "I thought my sister was cool" -- why thank you.

    "My sister picked up a Backstreet Boys album" -- I'm so sorry. :D

    Or if not for that exposure, then for the fact that I was out of touch with pop culture enough to not bring anything else home to balance it out!
