day 6

Write out a prayer for Undefeated.

"Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the people of the world revere him."
- Psalm 33:8


I thank you for this special, wonderful group of people who are... all so very different. We have jocks, we have nerds, we have geeks, and everything in between. We're all very different.

I'm praying that we do not fear man, but that we fear God and long to please Him. I'm praying that we'll want what you want, that we'll be serious about reading the truth, the Bible; that we won't cling to our preconceived notions about what it's supposed to mean to be a Christian or what people are supposed to be like; and that we'll be ourselves and wait upon You to work on our hearts.

Father, I'm sorry that we lack the grace. Ephesians 4:29 talks about... building one another up and giving grace to one another, and I've messed up and missed the mark, and so... we all have fallen short of your glory. I thank you that you still call us your children because of Jesus.

I'm excited to see what you're going to do, because I know we aren't named Undefeated without reason. I ask that you will make us the people you called us to be. We are always yet defeated, but no matter the circumstance, no matter the brokenness in our lives, no matter the failures, we know that we root for an undefeated God. You're the quarterback, we're the crowd. Lead us as you will.

I pray in Jesus' name.
