don't back down
I was inspired today by a friend I know from a couple years back. He goes to the other big campus church in town and he's heading out to Kyrgyzstan this summer to serve the people there on missions. His take on going went something like this:
You know, I'm afraid. Because I'm not sure if I'm going to raise enough money to cover this plane ticket, if I'll find enough support, what's going to happen, all that stuff. But I decided I'm not gonna let fear dictate my life. I'm going, and maybe I'll have to raise the rest of the funds after I get there, and maybe it'll fall apart, but I'm going.And that's... the essence of faith, isn't it? To go somewhere when you don't know what will happen. To not let what you see dictate your decisions. And the whole difference in someone who is led by God and someone who is not is that someone who knows Jesus can have the firm confidence that God will never leave him nor forsake him, that if God is calling and we follow, that if we have nothing else in this life, we have Him.
That is a difficult one to fight for, I admit. But it's fully worth it. Jesus, raise up more men like this in our generation.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9