thank you

Thank you for the moments when I know that my life is not in my hands, those moments where I discover that no matter how many obstacles I hurdle over, there will always be a larger river to cross, mountain to climb, cliff to jump off of. There will never be anything in life that is better than what I've already been given, and I don't want to ever substitute anything in place of that great gift of grace.

A mirror is harder to hold. Thank you that I don't have to constantly watch my back, don't have to groom myself, don't have to love myself to live. I hate the way I am driven by my own impulses, by my own temptations, having no regard for what is good in your eyes. Isn't it more important for me to be obedient, rather than finding my own way of what is good? Don't make me the judge of everything. The knowledge of good and evil is a tiring burden.

Whenever I try to make life difficult, whenever I twist the trivial to make it significant, whenever I make the simple more complex than it should, put me back in my place. I want to live in your freedom, not a slave to laws and rules and relationships and issues and all that extra jazz. Thank you that life doesn't need to be complicated.