
I write this post in the comfort and safety of my last-row seat in STATS 412 which is seldom interrupted during lecture... because of the blah content of the class at the moment. Simple probabilities... i.e. what are the odds of a dice rolling a 6? (I can't believe this is a 400-level class, even by name). I'm not in 5th grade anymore, thank you very much!

One thing that has been rolling around my mind lately is the importance of names. It says that "God exalted [Christ] to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name" (Philippians 2:9), and it's not something we should take lightly when we pray in Christ's name - it is the reason for our relationship with God.

As for my name, have I been living up to it? Christopher means "Christ-bearer," which I think is quite an interesting choice of a name for anyone (maybe I can even describe it as being ambitious). I don't think I live up to the name very well if I look back on my life, but to think that I want to be heading in the direction of living up to it means everything.

It's great, still, that:
"You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart.
- "The Heart of Worship," Matt Redman

So though I may screw up, fail, be shamed, embarrassed and shunned, it don't matter :)


  1. class is overrated.
    Christ is underrated.

  2. Wow Dyle, nice comment :]

    As for you Chris, Acts 4:12 is also a good verse about Christ's name.

    And...if Stats 412 is anything like Math 425, it can and will pick up real fast, whizzing by those simple probabilities. Then again, you're the freshmen who owned me in Math 256, hahahahha.

  3. Hahaha. I didn't mean to question your ability to bear the name "Chris" yesterday, just for the record. :) I think you wear it well, most especially the responsibilities associated with it. :)
