laughs all around

I just can't seem to get over how ironic everything is in life.

You know, like when you want to win a race, you take it slow and steady instead of sprinting out of the gate. Or maybe like the way you show up to Michigan so you can watch a good football team, and well... and... everything you left behind gets better when you're gone (*cough* Virginia Tech). Or, maybe even the way I went to lecture yesterday, took the pop quiz, and aced it, but didn't get credit for it because they somehow lost it (punishment for all the naps taken in previous lectures). Or even... finding yourself on the losing end of a fight even when... no, especially when, you've given your all.

God's funny like that, you know? I mean, if He gave us a sense of humor, He's got to have one, too. For me, that's finding that God laughs every time I worry about the little guilty pangs of fear I suffer when I sin, as I look to my own inadequacy and wonder how in heaven I'm going to make up for this one.

He laughs because He knows that in the end I'm going to have to look up rather than in, because the solution just isn't where I'm inclined to look.

He laughs, until I laugh at my own stupidity.

And I can feel the hint of a smile tugging at my lips right now.

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