
My ECON GSI is kind of bitter at the world. Very cynical.

Today he walked into class and had to erase the chalkboard because someone had drawn a dinosaur on the board and tagged it with the word "DoRAK." He wasn't too happy.

"I'm assuming DoRAK is a guy, because it doesn't sound like a girl. Whoever this DoRAK is, someone needs to give them a kick in the *****."

Sad. I see the irony in the fact that DoRAK stands for "Do Random Acts of Kindness" and they were drawing pictures and writing encouraging messages in classrooms. And although I'm not part of the organization and never plan to be, just reminds me how often when we look at things from the wrong perspective, they give off the wrong impression. A dinosaur can be an annoyance to an ECON GSI, but an encouragement to someone who's studying and slightly depressed at the monotonicity of the world.

Like when you look at God from the wrong perspective, He's an annoyance. Always wants you to go somewhere, be someone, trust something, love people, change the world... whatever. But when you know what's up, you find out all He wants to do is love you.

I've had so much trouble this past year and a half struggling with reaching out to people. Everything that's laid on my heart seems like a chore. I think I'm slowly learning why it's a problem.... inviting them out to LIFE group or church or sharing the Gospel with them was all about the results and about the time I would waste when I failed.

Outside the Michigan League's back entrance, someone permanently stenciled in LOVE > FEAR in white on the bricks. And though I'm sure it was some liberal hippie that did it, it is true.

"...perfect love drives out fear..."
- 1 John 4:18

P.S. I just went on biblegateway.com to find the reference to that verse, and one of the editor's book picks on the front page was "Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear" by Max Lucado. Maybe I should check it out sometime?

1 comment:

  1. Nice! (And... I hope your GSI found out what DoRAK was...)

    This has been on my mind a lot lately, and our church is going through a season of refocusing our perspective.

    Perfect love drives out fear... you'd think I could've saved a lot of time by not trying out 900+ other ineffective ways to get rid of the fear (!).
