my life is too good

First things first, I've ventured on a $10 a month journey to mess with a personal website. Web tech was always over my head but the flood of lessons from being on Web Team and EECS 485 have cultured a passion for geeky things.

Therefore, this blog can now be reached at:

and my tumblr is at:


This is what I wrote down on my phone yesterday:
"Fire fall down consume our offering show the world who is the true God"
And the thought arose when I saw a picture on BBC of Muslims in Bahrain crying at their morning prayers because of the protests and people having died there. It gave me a thought - if they are truly crying out to a false god, someone's gotta direct them to the truth.

It reminds me of the 1:450 showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Elijah prays:
"Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."
- 1 Kings 18:37
I pray that God is going to bring about His workers in all those regions and nations where revolutions are happening. HISTORY is being made, and the Church, all people who profess to follow Christ, need to be a part of it. May God be glorified because we throw our lives upon Him and put all our faith in Him - because He is that worthy of praise.
"This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."
- John 15:8
For me these days, the greatest joy seems to be the turning of our hearts back to the Father. The greatest joy of knowing Christ is knowing that through Him, we are transformed to love and desire the One who was meant to be desired. The prodigal son returns, and he returns looking not for sanctification nor gifts nor any other kind of blessing - he returns into the Father's arms. What is more meaningful in life?

Thank You, Jesus, for dying so that we might learn to desire God once again, and make Him our greatest joy. The way it was meant to be.