a little sobered

"Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts."
- Psalm 28:3
There's enough "nice" people in the world. Are Christians going to be set apart because we are "nice people" or because we know God?

I'm reminded of this because of reading the Desiring God Blog today and seeing a Francis Chan quote:
"Try to put yourself in the shoes of an unbeliever who is seeking and comes into your church service. What is that person looking for? What does he want to see from the stage? Does he want to see a polished speech? Does he want to see a brainiac who knows more than him? Does he want to see a comedian who makes him laugh? Doesn't that person want to walk in and see that you are connected with God? They want to be able to say, "I don't understand it, but that guy knows God and I want that, too!" When they hear you teaching, is that what they see? Are they jealous for what you have? Are you connected to God in prayer?"
And it's sobering, because if the world ended today, will I meet God and say that I was willing to be used for Him however he wanted, even if it meant I wasn't the "nicest" person in the world, or will I meet Him and remember so many missed opportunities because I wasn't willing to say something uncomfortable? No one knows the time.
"Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left."
- Matthew 24:41
God, help us follow after You every moment, to take every open door You offer. The spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.