the bathroom

I always think I am the master of the bathroom. It is a private and joyful space.

I sit on the toilet when I want, flush when I want, use as many sheets of toilet paper as I want, turn on the faucet when I want, turn it to whatever temperature I want, turn on the shower when I want, use the showerhead when I want, etc...

But when the switch to the lights is outside the bathroom, as it so happens to be at my apartment here in Korea, then who's really in control?

No matter how much I can delude myself into thinking that I am the master of my own life, I'm not in control of the lights.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is your second entry that talks about the bathroom, haha.


    Sorry, imagining Mom or Dad coming back to turn the lights off to evict you from the bathroom is just what I needed to laugh today.

  4. P.S. - did you find a church?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i love this because i wonder the same thing (my switch is outside my door too)
