one short prayer

I spent the past week in Chicago visiting various places and ministries and just getting time to unwind (the term being used relative to the past few weeks doing missions, of course). I just wanted to post a prayer I wrote out the first day I was there.

I am on this earth because I am to minister to the lost. Those, who, when the world ends, will not be with me in heaven if things continue to go the way they are going at the moment. I seek to glorify You, by restoring your kingdom on earth.
That being said, I can't imagine a life lived all the way for you and the people that you lived and died for, the people that you love, Lord Jesus. I am here, trapped in this wretched body that lives to please itself. For me, it seems to live is self and to die is self... and until the day comes around that I finally see that I cannot do it on my own, that I am not in control of anyone's life, not even my own, I can never know Your full love for me. So the stress and bitterness sets in sometimes - because I realize I'm no longer in charge. If that is what it means for me to be a Christian, then I am freed from my burden.
You are the One who loves me and is glad to take me in whenever my feet are weary or my heart is sick of wandering, but yet you need none of me. You could have a world without me and still bring all my family, all my friends, all the people you love to Christ. I find that my self-righteousness, my sense of duty are all meaningless at Your feet - when you are the one who makes your galaxy dance and laugh again.
Thank you, Lord. Take all of this world, and take all of me. As my Maker and Savior, you are everything.